<aside> 💡 TransitionMultisig BSC Gnosis Safe | 2/3 Signers: https://gnosis-safe.io/app/bnb:0x6996452f7cc495619c12A1B54DE3133a4D4011e7

MigrationMultisig BSC Gnosis Safe | 2/3 Signers: https://gnosis-safe.io/app/bnb:0x2203947826aA91F1Ee7A2A039d92b68343467608

TreasuryMultisig BSC Gnosis Safe: Pending creation

Current Runway, TXNs & Unsecured Funds: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mv6BpLFhxorJhY_WUeBybGZxIN9h1NjLeD6UjKmjfvk/edit#gid=0



BSC - MultiSig#1 — TransitionMultisig (Funds handed over by founders to current signers)
BSC- MultiSig#2 — MigrationMultisig (Funds rescued from INTI/PRT LP + migration from holders, DAO controled)
POLYGON - MultiSig#3 — TreasuryMultisig (Revenue generated from the platform, DAO controlled)


-$472.02 funds remaining as of 30th September (MTM 22nd Aug 2022) - as documented on the Runway sheet.


This facilitates the migration new token LP bootstrap, the funding comes from multiple sources:


This new wallet will be set up in the future to hold and allocate platform revenue.


PRT CEX Listing & Delisting Market Making Funds